Empower, Create and Inspire

Women empowerment is one of the important causes which aims at mitigating the challenges faced by women in the society. In India, particularly in local and rural areas, women are still stuck with conventional practices as they are provided with very limited access to education, economic inequality and cultural barriers. Despite facing numerous challenges, several initiatives are now taking place to create a change by providing them with opportunities to rebuild themselves and having a unique existence in their families and societies at large as true empowerment lies in building a community where all women can thrive together.
Ila Sharma, the founder of Ayudhi Care Foundation, has led several initiatives to create a safe and healthy workplace for women.
The foundation started with few women learning new skills which has now transformed into a community. Women across the cities are supporting each other in their creative and artistic pursuits. The work done by Ayudhi Care foundation shows that empowering women is not just about the growth of an individual but organization as a whole. As more women gain confidence, stand up for themselves, create opportunities and gain new skills, the society will build women who have power to build their own destiny.
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